Basmati Export Development Foundation (BEDF) Job Vacancy

The APEDA-founded Basmati Export Development Foundation (BEDF), established by the Ministry of Consumers and Industry, has invited applications from job seekers in the agriculture sector.An eligible candidate will work for a year under a one-year contract. will be based upon candidate performance in the field. Job location for this post will be at SVP University of Agriculture & Technology, Modipuram, U.P./Head Quarters, New Delhi.

Application PostNo. of PostQualificationWork and experienceExpected salary
Scientists2Post Graduate in Agriculture preferably in Agronomy/Plant Protection.experience in Crop production/ Plant protection-related issue and should have understanding of use of pesticides and MRL issues  70,000
Consultant1Post Graduate in Management (MBA/Agriculture/ Science (Biological science/BioTechnology) with 2 years’ work experience inDevelopment of Market Intelligence including global trade viz-a-viz production Export data analysis  60,000
Scientific Officers2Post Graduate in (Agriculture/Science Crop production/Crop Protection/ Agriculture Extn.) with 1 year work experience inFarming activities (seed production, farm demonstration and extension activities etc.) Experience in Crop Production  35,000
Lab Analyst1M.Sc (Chemistry/Ind.Chemistry/ Food Technology/ Environment Science) 2 years experience in field of  Food/Chemical/Microbial Testing Laboratory withAnalysis of rice and different agri products for Pesticide residues. Analysis of pesticides samples. Candidate should have experience in handling of equipment LC MS-MS, GC MS-MS etc.  35,000
Lab Technician 1B.Sc (Life Science/Chemistry) 1 year experience in field of  Food/Chemical/Microbial Testing Laboratory withAnalysis of rice and different for Pesticide residues. Analysis of pesticide samples for quality standard. Candidate should have experience in handling of equipment LC MS-MS, GC MS-MS etc.  35,000

Candidates can learn more by visiting the websites of the Basmati Export Development Foundation and APEDA (the Ministry of Consumer and Industry).

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