Mini Tractor


The information, images, specifications, and availability of OJJHS AGRO products displayed on the OJJHS AGRO website, digital platforms, and social media channels are subject to ongoing review and revision. As a result, the information provided may not always reflect the most up-to-date details about our products, policies, and schemes. We strive to keep the information as accurate and current as possible, but please note that there may be instances where the displayed information is not entirely up to date.
For the most accurate and current information regarding our products, policies, and schemes, we encourage you to contact our sales representative directly. You can reach our sales team at, where they will be happy to provide you with the latest information and address any inquiries you may have.
Please be aware that the availability of OJJHS AGRO products listed on our digital platforms may vary by location. Some products may not be available in certain regions, and availability may change over time. We reserve the right to improve or enhance our products without prior consent or notice.